
Bottle Please!

Paige has a few words she says often, like woof, mama, dada, num-num, her own version of I love you, up, bottle, blueberry, bath, Chloe, Luca, papa, grandma.. and every day her vocabulary gets more and more advanced.. and adorable. She also uses sign language for more, all done, eat, please, and thank you. One of our favorite words she says is "bottle" (and blueberry, because they sound almost identical). Every night after bathtime is over and jammies are on, she asks for demands a bottle of milk. We've been wanting to get it on video, but it just hasn't happened- until tonight! Hilarious. See for yourself.


  1. I literally laughed out loud and woke up stella. That was hilarious.

  2. hilarious!!! i've never heard bottle so cute!

  3. that is one of the funniest words I have ever heard a baby say! Im glad you finally caught it!
