
Birthday Girl

I am SO glad somebody reminded me that I hadn't
posted about the Little's first birthday party!

Someone else blamed it on my preggo brain. 

I put salt in my coffee this morning.

I blame that on my preggo brain, too.



I'm thankful for my sweet friends Jen and Jamie
for taking all of these amazing photos.

PS- Click on their names to explore their blogs.
I have wonderful, extremely talented friends. 


Here are a few shots of the decor. I handmade those embroidery hoops and stitched the "happy birthday" on each. I'm thinking about hanging the "happy" one in Paige's room, and of course saving them both for future birthdays. I also made the pennant banners and they, too, are part of Paige's room decorations. Maybe someday I'll post pictures of that!


The "PAIGE" letters were a gift from my mom before the little one was born. She ordered them from The Land of Nod, a kids store under the Crate and Barrel brand. The letters hang above her crib.

The adorable little bird garland was made by Jen and her sister for Jen's neice's birthday party. She let me borrow them! For dessert we baked some Avila Valley Barn pies instead of doing a big cake. They were a hit!

Speaking of dessert, I made Paige her very own "cake". It was a banana raisin cupcake frosted with cream cheese and a touch of jam mixed in. I bordered it with her favorite fruit, blueberries. On top we used the number 1 candle that was on the cake we used to announce our pregnancy with Paige! It said "June 2010", which was my due date. I'm so glad my mom thought to keep the candles.


Paige loved all of her presents, and opened every single one before she realized there was a blow up pool in the yard, just for her! This child LOVES water, it was a perfect treat for her first birthday (and a hot day in Visalia).

How AMAZING is this photo?! Gotta give credit to Jamie for that one. So great.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in Paige's life this first year. She is so blessed to have such wonderful people in her life who love her with all their heart. Happy first birthday, baby! I love you!


  1. Adorable!! I LOVE the pic with her mouth stuffed with her cake :)
    and I had to laugh about salt in your coffee, I hope you realized BEFORE you drank it!!!

  2. Such great pics, such great friends, such a great party!
