
39 Weeks down, 1 to go..

You read that right.


In one week, give or take: 
..we will become a family of four.
..Paige will officially be a big sister.
..those teeny tiny onsies will be worn by a little boy named Jude.
..bedtime for Paige will not necessarily mean bedtime for mama.
..we will be living with a newborn!

I feel great. If you had asked me a month ago, and I was being truly honest, I would have told you I didn't know how I'd ever make it to my due date. I would have complained about my stretch marks turning from an unnoticeable shade of skin-color to an angry-red-blotchy-color. I would have whined about the ridiculous aching in my left leg from a pretty gnarly vericose vein on my thigh. I would have been embarrassed by my piles and piles of laundry in my room, down the hall, all over the garage floor. I would have lied and said "I'm great!" when the only thing running through my mind was "I just want a nap RIGHT NOW." Wah wah waaaaahhh.

But now, I honestly feel great! I still have achey hips and it's rare to sleep more than a couple hours without waking up to roll over or pee or stare at the ceiling or go into the kitchen for a little bowl of cereal.. but I really do feel great. I have had more energy for my crazy nesting urges lately. My laundry is no longer out of control and you can see the bottom of my kitchen sink on a daily basis. A lot of people have been asking if I think I'll go into labor before my due date, and for some reason I really feel like this little boy is here to stay until at least the 3rd (I'm due on the 4th). I could even imagine my due date coming and going with no baby news.. Maybe it's just my way of not letting myself get too far ahead of things, or maybe there's a "motherly instinct" that is wiggling it's way through, but either way I'd rather not get my hopes up. 

Besides, I'll be traveling two and a half hours away from my hospital this weekend to attend my brother-in-law's wedding, so I better be pregnant for at least three more days!

(Don't tell my midwives about that little trip.. they'd slap my wrists for sure..)

Speaking of midwives, I have an appointment tomorrow. It just might be my last visit before I show up at the hospital. Paige usually goes with me to my appointments, and she is a huge fan of listening to Jude's "beat" (heartbeat) because it's so "shrong" (strong.. with flexed muscles and everything). She also loves the pictures on the walls of the "ti-y ti-y bebes!" (tiny tiny babies, face all smooshed up like she just saw the cutest thing EVER). She is already the sweetest big sister. She talks about Jude on a daily basis, knows which clothes and toys and shoes and pacis and blankets belong to him (and makes sure everyone else understands as well), points to his ultrasound picture and calls him by name, reads her "big sister" book and points to herself when I ask her where the big sister is.. 

Please tell me how she is already so grown up?


Ok, finally.. I wasn't going to say this, but.. I really do apologize for the lack of updates on this poor, sad little blog. I wish I had the time and energy and brain power to post more often, but there always seems to be something in my way. Like finding something sweet in the kitchen pantry before bedtime. You know, important things.


Here's to more updates than your face can handle in the upcoming week!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jenna, I, and the rest of your blog audience, appreciate your efforts to give us a glimpse inside your beautiful life.

    I love you all and cannot wait to meet little Mr. Sarr!
